If your account is temporarily restricted, people who visit your profile may see a message letting them know the account may have violated the Twitter Rules and asking them to confirm they still want to view it. If you feel that your account has been limited in error, you can appeal by contacting our support team. If your account is in this state, people who visit your profile may see a message letting them know the account has displayed unusual activity and asking them to confirm they still want to view it. If you don’t see an email from us, please check your spam, junk and social folders.Ĭontact our support team if you need additional help unlocking your account. If you have an email address associated with your account, we also sent instructions to that address. Once you’ve entered the verification code, click or tap Submit to unlock your account.It may take a few minutes for the code to be delivered to your phone. We will send you a text message, or you will receive a phone call, with a verification code.Please note that we will associate this phone number with your account. Look for the message letting you know Your account has been locked.If your account appears to have exhibited automated behavior that violates the Twitter Rules, we may lock it and request that you confirm you are the valid owner of the account.